1. Where do you offer shipping services?

We offer shipping services exclusively within the United States for all items available in our store. Our warehouse is located at 8144 Abby Brooks Cir, Wesley Chapel South, FL 33545, United States

2. What is the estimated transit time for orders?

The estimated transit time for orders is 7-15 business days (Monday to Friday).

3. How long does it take to process an order?

We typically process orders within 1-3 business days (Monday to Friday).

4. When is the cut-off time for placing an order?

The order cut-off time is 5:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Standard Time (Toronto)

5. What delivery services do you use?

We use DHL, FedEx, USPS and UPS Shipping services for our product deliveries.

6. How much does shipping cost?

The shipping fee for all orders is $4.99, denominated in USD.

7. Do you offer freeshipping?

Yes. Any order above $100 is free shipping.

8. Are there any taxes or membership fees?

No, we do not impose any membership fees or taxes on our customers.

9. How can I find out my order’s estimated delivery time and shipping cost?

Upon successful payment and order confirmation, you will see the estimated delivery time and shipping cost on your order confirmation page. The confirmation message will also include information about the anticipated processing duration.

10. How long does it take to process an order at your warehouse?

Our warehouse, located at 8144 Abby Brooks Cir, Wesley Chapel South, FL 33545, United States., requires 1-3 days to process your order. You will receive a notification once your order is shipped, including the projected delivery time and tracking number.

11. Can I change my delivery address after my order is in transit?

Unfortunately, we cannot modify the delivery address once an order is in transit. Please contact us within 12 hours of placing your order at [email protected] or call us at +1 ‪‪(262) 735-5742 if you need to change the address.

12. Can I ship to multiple addresses in a single order?

Currently, we do not support shipping to multiple addresses in a single order. If you wish to send items to different addresses, please place separate orders. For assistance, contact us via email at [email protected] or call us at +1 626-239-3346.

13. What happens if I provide an incorrect address during checkout?

If an incorrect address leads to the product being returned to us, you will be responsible for the shipping costs associated with re-dispatching the product. Contact us at [email protected] or call us at +1 ‪‪(262) 735-5742 for further instructions.

14. What if my order encounters delays?

While we strive for punctual deliveries, delays may occur. We will promptly notify you if your order encounters a delay surpassing 11 business days.

15. How can I track my order?

Once your order is shipped, it will be assigned a tracking number, allowing you to monitor its progress until delivery. You can track your order on our Order Tracker Page.

16. What should I do if I receive a damaged parcel in transit?

If you notice that a package has sustained damage during transit, we recommend declining the delivery if feasible and contacting our customer service. If the package is delivered without your presence, please contact our customer service team via email at [email protected] or call us at +1 ‪‪(262) 735-5742‬‬ for further guidance.